Philippians 4:6 and 7

1. Faith: Christians believe that salvation begins with faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of humanity. This faith involves accepting Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as atonement for sins. 2. Repentance: Repentance involves a sincere turning away from sinful behavior and a commitment to follow the teachings and commandments of Jesus. 3. Grace: Salvation is often described as a gift of God's grace. Christians believe that no one can earn salvation through their own good works; it is freely given by God to those who believe. 4. Baptism: Baptism is a sacrament in Christianity that is seen as a means of grace and initiation into the Christian community. Different Christian denominations have varying beliefs about the significance and timing of baptism in the process of salvation. 5. Eternal Life: Salvation is believed to result in eternal life with God, often referred to as "heaven." It is the hope of spending eternity in the presence of God and being freed from the consequences of sin.#PowerOfPrayer   #PrayerRequest   #faithandprayer #SmallBusiness #EntrepreneurLife #CoffeeLovers #MugLife #GiftIdeas #WorkFromHome #OnlineBusiness #Ecommerce #StartUpLife #PassiveIncome #Hustle #DigitalMarketing #ShopOnline #SmallBiz #ClassicTV #TVHistory #VintageTV #ComedyGold #TelevisionLegend #RetroTV
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He could have with just one snap of his fingers call for 72 thousand angels with their swords drawn, that were all set to come to His rescue, and could have eliminated all of these people from the face of the earth. But Jesus said no. for it is to this end that I was born. He wasn't just another leader; He was not just another great man he was God with us. He instructed us about the Kingdom of Heaven. He told us to turn the other cheek. He said, we should forgive seventy times seven. Jesus educated us that it is more than just our outward actions that God judges, telling us that it's every thought and intention of our hearts that counts. He went to the cross and said, forgive them, for they do not know what they're doing. They put the nails in His hands, and feet, they treated Him poorly and he still said forgive them they understand not what they do. Forgive them. When Jesus passed the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled roared and the earth started to shake and even the soldiers confessed that this must be the Son of God. Anyone that can see Jesus on that cross and not be touched has a heart of stone. At the very end of His life; Jesus was on the cross, when the sins of the whole world were laid upon Him. He stated my God has forsaken me and then he dropped his head and said it's finished. With that statement He indicate that our redemption was finished God can currently forgive us of all our wrongs, all of our sins, because of the fact that Jesus had actually completed God's plan of Salvation prepare for you and I. God’s plan of redemption for you and I. Know this that our Heavenly Father knows each of us by name. And He offers us forgiveness of our sins by receiving Jesus as our Savior.

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Prayer Hospital Gospel of John RLE
Using your smart phone. While you are speaking with the person, standing there in front of you. In the moment, tell them your phone number, and have them call you on the spot. When they call your phone, get their name and save their information to your contacts. Immediately while you are still speaking with them, send this Gospel of John e book link to their phone.
you just effectively shared the Good News with this person. NEXT step - use their contact information and follow up with them within a couple of days.
It is that easy.
"I look around me; I see prophecies fulfilled; The signs of the times They're appearing everywhere Oh, I can almost see the Father As He says, "Son, go get my children At the midnight cry The Bride of Christ will rise." 📖 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’" Matthew 25:6

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In Christianity, salvation refers to the deliverance or rescue of individuals from the consequences of sin and separation from God. It is often seen as a central theme in Christian theology and is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The process of salvation typically includes:
Faith: Christians believe that salvation begins with faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of humanity. This faith involves accepting Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as atonement for sins.
Repentance: Repentance involves a sincere turning away from sinful behavior and a commitment to follow the teachings and commandments of Jesus.
Grace: Salvation is often described as a gift of God's grace. Christians believe that no one can earn salvation through their own good works; it is freely given by God to those who believe.
Baptism: Baptism is a means of making a public statement concerning an individual’s faith in Christ
Eternal Life: Salvation is believed to result in eternal life with God, often referred to as "heaven." It is the hope of spending eternity in the presence of God and being freed from the consequences of sin.
Different Christian denominations have varying beliefs about some points of doctrine however they mostly agree about; Eternal Life: Salvation is believed to result in eternal life with God, often referred to as "heaven." It is the hope of spending eternity in the presence of God and being freed from the consequences of sin.
The Gospel of John Chapter 3:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 tells us that salvation is a gift. Christianity is the only religion that does not demand good works as being the way to attain to salvation. Good works happens because of the gift given to us. In all other religions, the concept of salvation is not a gift but has to be earned by each individual. It is this difference that separates Christianity from all other religions.  
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Prayer, as per the Bible, is a profound bridge connecting humanity with the divine. The scriptures emphasize its transformative power, offering solace, guidance, and a deeper connection with God. From King David's heartfelt Psalms to Jesus' example, prayer is not ritual but an intimate conversation, a source of strength and guidance.
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Brother Mickey brings us a timeless message of hope...

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Prayer Hospital
Prayer, as per the Bible, is a profound bridge connecting humanity with the divine. The scriptures emphasize its transformative power, offering solace, guidance, and a deeper connection with God. From King David's heartfelt Psalms to Jesus' example, prayer is not ritual but an intimate conversation, a source of strength and guidance.
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